The South West Lands project is a residential led mixed use development in the Wembley area.

Located in close proximity the railway line, Toureen provided a number of services including; the construction of pile mats, pile attendance, ground works and construction of reinforced concrete frames on three blocks. The project was separated into two sites, Blocks SW01 & 02 were built on one side of the train tracks and block SW07 was built on the other side, and essentially treated as two separate jobs.

Client: TBC


Completion Date: TBC

All documents relating to the works were issued to Network Rail including; the Basic Asset Protection agreement, F002/F003 and various appointments of CRE, CAT 3 Design checks for all critical works, risk assessments, temporary works, and information on personal and machine specification to be used for works. Network Rail would then review prior to commencing the Works Package Plan. No works would commence until Network Rail reviewed all documents and were happy to proceed.

There was a watch and brief in attendance for both sides of the track at all times during the piling and groundworks phase. For SW01 there was an acoustic wall built in which was designed to stop sound and vibrations from the trains transmitting to the buildings; while this works was going on we were working within five metres of the platform and eight metres of the track.

For this work we had to use slew restricted machines and demonstrate to the watch and brief that in the event of an incident the machine couldn’t slew in the direction of the platform or track. The watch and brief, plus three banksmen attended at all times, one banksman either side of the machine and one on the platform, with a permit being obtained each day to work within this area.

An electrical kiosk was located in the SW01 ground floor slab that needed relocated, to do this, we left out a section of the ground floor slab and a GF-FF Column, and rather than leave the frame until the kiosk was moved, a temporary works design was produced with double megashor, and a structural steel beam at GF Level. Temporary RC columns from L01-03 were broken out at a later date and megashor to the roof to hold up this corner of the building. This allowed us to build the frame to level eight, at which time the kiosk was moved and the slab infill plus column could then be built.


For Blocks SW01 & 02 there was an access road that had to be maintained at all times, the access road was used for emergency vehicle use and pedestrian access to the platform. There was a 700m2 500dp podium slab built above this access road and pedestrian access was maintained with a tunnel incorporated into the podium falsework. While this podium was being decked and struck, we had four marshals in attendance, and when someone needed access, works would be stopped to allow access.