Mates in Mind – Let’s start the conversation

Toureen Group continues their commitment to the Mates in Mind programme along with a growing list of organisations within the construction industry. Mental health awareness is becoming widely promoted throughout the industry, with the sector beginning to shine a light on this issue and raise awareness of its impact on the workforce. Mates in Mind is a sector-wide initiative striving to address the stigma of poor mental health; as well as improving positive mental well-being in the UK construction industry.

Mates in mind logoTo address the stigma and to ensure we support our workforce, the Toureen Group Health and Safety department has committed to raising awareness of mental health by incorporating the message into an ongoing campaign. This will include the weekly distribution of alerts on topics such as work related stress, anxiety, fears and phobias and general mental health well-being, throughout the organisation.

In an effort to detect the early signs of mental health issues, Toureen Group has appointed the first batch of company representatives to attend Mental Health First Aid courses, which will give attendees the training and the confidence to offer initial help to a person experiencing a mental health issue. Toureen Group has also rolled out the new initiative ‘Let’s start the conversation’. The 45 minute conversation sessions are designed in partnership with the British Safety Council and delivered in groups on site. The main objective is to get our co-workers thinking and talking about mental health, as well as providing practical skills to spot some of the signs of mental health issues. To help people understand how, when and where to get support, we have circulated information on a variety of services and helplines available for anyone who feels they may be struggling or who would benefit from confidential support and advice. By raising awareness, we strive to tackle poor mental health, hopefully in its very earliest stage, whilst continuing to nurture positive mental wellbeing among the workforce.

Construction thrives on change and teamwork. So together we can build positive mental health. We don’t need to be experts about it; we simply need the confidence to start the conversation.

Mates in Mind is a registered charity and was established by the Health in Construction Leadership Group (HCLG), with support and administration from the British Safety Council. The aim of the programme is to provide a consistent approach within the industry, which will help improve and promote positive mental health. It will involve the delivery of an awareness and educational programme that is tailored to the needs of the industry.


Construction Industry Helpline – Call: 0345 605 1956
Samaritans – Call: 116 213
Mind – Call: 0300 123 3393
SANE – Call: 0300 304 7000
