Working with local school to promote women in the construction industry

Toureen Group is working with a local school to promote women in the construction industry.

The construction industry has enjoyed a significant rise in the number of women choosing to pursue a career in the sector. However, despite the number of females entering the industry, it is evident that construction is still predominantly male-oriented. Here at Toureen, we realise the importance of highlighting the industry from a woman’s perspective.

When Toureen Group was invited to speak to an all-girls school on the topic of Women in Construction, we saw this as a great way to promote the many benefits of a career in construction from a woman’s point of view, breaking the stereotype and focusing on the vast range of opportunities within the industry for women.

We went to Bentley Wood High School, local to our head office, to present this topic to over 70 girls aged between 14 and 18. At an age where many girls will be deciding on their future careers and goals, we wanted to give a brief talk on the industry itself to give the girls more of an insight into construction.

Rebecca Curtin, Toureen Group’s Quality & Compliance Manager, was the company representative to present the topic and gave an informative talk on the construction industry, key statistics on the number of women within the industry and pathways into construction, as well as giving examples of the many varying roles in which the Toureen Group employs women.

The feedback received from both the teachers and the students was very positive with many showing a genuine interest in the industry. Some students and teachers said that the presentation opened their eyes to the industry and the vast opportunities available within it, in a way in which they were not previously aware of.

We are proud to be involved in attracting more women into construction, enticing more females to consider this as a credible career. In construction, there’s a role for everyone, ranging from office environments to on-site practical roles.

With so many rewards and benefits of working in the industry, there’s plenty of room for career progression and skill development, proving that this industry is quickly becoming one for the girls, not just the boys!
